2041 E. Sims Way, Port Townsend, WA
(360) 379-9284
MON 10am-5:30pm | TUES 9am-5:30pm | WED 10am-3:00pm | THURS 9am-3:00pm | FRI closed

Dr. Dale Fountain

About Dale Fountain, D.C.

Dr. Dale Fountain

I became a Chiropractor and Clinical Nutritionist because of my fascination with the human body, how to support it to heal, keeping it healthy, and my passion to help others.

I come from a long line of Chiropractors:  both of my parents, my maternal grandparents, several uncles and my great-grandfather. I was fortunate to be raised with an appreciation and focus on preventing sickness and disease, and how to support the body’s innate healing ability. Maintaining a clean and healthy diet, staying fit, delving into a lifelong study for emotional/mental/spiritual growth, and getting adjusted my entire life has served me well in staying healthy.  

In my mid-thirties, my own body began to show signs of dis-ease, which I thought was due to “old-age”! Despite my focus on my own health, I had begun to develop heart palpitations, restless legs, gum recession, cavities, difficulty sleeping, inability to conceive, and sport injuries that wouldn’t heal (despite regular chiropractic adjustments, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and nutritional supplements). After being assessed by a Nutrition Response Testing™ practitioner, after changing my diet and supplement protocol, the majority of those issues resolved in 8 weeks and my body responded to my chiropractic care much better. This got my attention! 

I realized that the question was not “What is wrong with my body?” but really, “What is my body trying to tell me?

Understanding how malnutrition (deficiency) and toxic load lead to dis-ease and how if not handled, leads to disease, gave rise to my continued journey in health care as a Clinical Nutritionist. Bodies can heal if not interfered with or deficient.

My passion for helping others improve their health has driven me to stay up-to-date with the latest research on how and what impacts the function of the nervous system. I continue to enjoy helping as many people as possible change their lives in a positive way, to improve their health and maintain it!

Credentials, Certifications and Trainings:

  • Doctor of Chiropractic, 1986, Life Chiropractic College, Marietta, GA

  • Advanced Activator Technique and Extremity Adjusting

  • Gonstead Technique

  • Pediatric Adjusting and Care

  • Webster Technique (gentle turning of breech baby)

  • Advanced Nutrition Response Testing

  • Advanced Training in Functional Endocrinology (specializing in Thyroid and Female hormonal balance)

  • Functional Blood Chemistry

  • Advanced Cardiovascular and Circulatory Function and Nutritional needs

  • Advanced Abdominal and Back Training

  • Owner and Operator of Fountain Fitness, 1994-2004, Port Townsend, WA

  • Personal Physical Trainer

  • BodyPump, BodyBalance, & BodyStep Instructor Certifications